Piano music for ballet class by Richard Maddock - Travelling Jumps 6x8.mp3

Meet the talented ballet pianist from Canada: Richard Maddock. You can listen to and download 4 of his albums of music for classical ballet lessons at bandcamp.com. His music for children's ballet classes deserves special attention.

Buy ballet class music by Richard Maddock on Bandcamp.com!
Ballet class music by Richard Maddock. A native of Ontario, Canada, Richard Maddock has worked as a dance class and exam accompanist for over twenty-eight years at numerous dance schools across southern Ontario. Mr. Maddock’s compositions are well known throughout the international dance community. His discography includes: "Music for Movement and Imaginations Volume Two" (2016) "Love's Reflections" (2014) "Music for Movement and Imaginations" (2009) “Ballet Studio Inspirations: Volume Three” (2009) “The Garden Within” (2009) "Ballet Studio Inspirations: Volume Two" (2008) “As Creation Unfolds: Part Three” (2008) "Ballet Studio Inspirations: Volume One" (2006) "As Creation Unfolds: Part One" (2006) "As Creation Unfolds: Part Two" (2006) In 2006, Richard composed the incidental music for CTV's W5 programme, "Tragedy in the Torngats". In 2009 Richard composed the complete music syllabus for Levels Two, Three and Four for Living Dance, a new dance syllabus created by Australian dance teacher and choreographer Beth Baudistel. Mr. Maddock’s ballet class CDs have received warm reviews on websites such as DanceAdvantage.net, 4Dancers.org, and InsideBallet.com, as well as in publications such as NDTA’s Dancematters (Issue No.56 - 2009, and Issue No.58 – 2010). “The Garden Within” was also reviewed by Massage New Zealand (Magazine Issue – June 2010).

Piano music for ballet class by Richard Maddock - Travelling Jumps 6x8.mp3 (1.68 MB)
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